Veralon offers a series of presentations that respond to the biggest questions facing healthcare executives today. These talks are designed for and customized to your audience, whether it be a provider organization or a professional association. Each presentation includes practical takeaways that will continue to guide participants long after the meeting ends.

Systemness: Getting Beyond the Culture Clash of Faculty and Community Physicians

Governing Post-Merger: Every Board, Everywhere, All At Once

Using Data Analytics for ACO Performance Improvement: Act Upon Opportunities to Improve Population Health

Amazon and Other Disruptors are Transforming Healthcare: What You Must Do

Retail, Urgent Care, Micro Hospitals and Beyond: The Evolution, Promise, and Unknowns of Alternative Care Settings

The Physician Deal Frenzy: The Who, Why and How of the Competition for Physician Practice Deals

Innovations in Primary Care Delivery: Beyond the Patient Centered Medical Home

Setting Your BPCI Advanced Strategy: Understanding the Key Drivers of Success